
Calculator for Energy Consumption and Investment Cost for a Flat / House of (i.e.) 92 m².
If Infrared Heating is preferred for selected rooms only the relative energy consumption and Investment cost are shown per Room as well.

Flat / Room


Heating Hours
per Room
per Day
in Watt per
Room / per Day
Energy Price

(i.e. Lanzarote)
Heating Bill

per Day
Heating Bill
per Room
per Month
marmony Price
per Heating
Panel jura
Living Room 24 800 8 6.40 0.125 0.80 24.00 379.00 €
Bed Room 16 500 8 4.00 0.125 0.50 15.00 299.00 €
Bedroom Kids 12 500 8 4.00 0.125 0.50 15.00 299.00 €
Guest Room 12 500 3 1.50 0.125 0.19 5.63 299.00 €
Additional Room 0 0 0 - 0.125 - - -
Bath Room 8 500 5 2.50 0.125 0.31 9.38 299.00 €
Kitchen 10 500 3 1.50 0.125 0.19 5.63 299.00 €
Floor 10 500 5 2.50 0.125 0.31 9.38 299.00 €
Heated m2 92     22.40   2.80 84.00  
Investment for 7 Infrared Heating Panels (without! Thermostats) 2,172.00 €
7 German Made QualityThermostats 413.00 €
No Fitting Cost (easy DIY)  Products are delivered with all fitting materials included - €
Total Investment for a complete Heating System for a complete Flat / House of 92 m2 (4 Rooms + Kitchen + Bath + Floor) 2,585.00 €

If certain rooms are larger than shown, further panels may be added to provide the required amount of heat. The temperature rise needed during late Autumn to early Spring is 4 to 6 degrees C. This will depend upon the amount of insulation in the building and the heating requirement of the individual occupants.

The unique climatic conditions on the Canary Islands demands heating support in the early mornings and evenings. All marmony infrared heating panels are controlled by thermostats to provide the desired temperature. The electricity consumption is reduced once the desired room temperature is reached. The panels store a considerable amount of heat energy, so it is advisable to install a timer (not included in the delivery) and set the timer “OFF” switch to a time which is earlier than when heat is no longer needed.

Marmony infrared heating panels are fabricated from real marble – Jura or Carerara. There are no ugly switches to hide – the panels are most attractive and create a pleasing addition to any room.